I’m a Couples Therapist, Sex Therapist, wife, mama of littles, person of faith, and Certified Integrated Intimacy Practitioner. My passion is teaching couples how to cultivate intimate lives they feel great about, with the insight of a therapist and the perspective of a working mom, living in an ever changing body, ten years past the honeymoon phase. 

As the husband of a therapist and dad of current and future shredders, I am continually challenged to learn, grow and change. Although in my day job I’m a restoration ecologist, Annika and I have been engaging and speaking about sex and intimacy for the past ten years. My passion came as I realized just how often the messaging we as men receive around sex is unhelpful, inaccurate and often damaging. We’re told we should just “know” how to be intimate. While sex might be natural, intimacy is nurtured. 


We’ve traveled our own bumpy road from shame, shyness, lack of education and uncomfortable conversations, to learn, grow and ultimately cultivate a sex life we truly feel great about! 

After speaking engagements, being the go-to for advice for brave friends and family, and (Annika) spending thousands of hours as a couples/sex therapist, we’ve brought the most useful resources to bare.  We now work to educate, empower and encourage couples all over to grow intimacy, and cultivate their own fulfilling sex lives.  


Sharing a French press with favorite mugs, on ski slopes and river banks with or without littles in tow, or hosting a table full of friends and family. Wherever we are, we seek to cultivate a meaningful life and a passionate marriage in the midst of raising kiddos, pursuing careers, exploring the outdoors, engaging our faith, and all of life’s craziness!



We’re Here To Help.

We offer an approachable roadmap to cultivate a fun and fulfilling sex life. We help facilitate conversations, crush shame, create new paradigms, integrate faith, and take the anxiety out of the bedroom. Our goal is to set up couples up to create a sex life they feel great about! We have seen it happen in our own relationship and many others. We believe it is accessible to you too!