How To Not Let Life Slip You By!

I find myself in little and big ways “when…then-ing” my life away. When I get through this season at work then I’ll set up a more healthy lifestyle. When I sleep through the night, then I can start fully enjoying the days. When my kiddos go back to school, then I will experience calm. When the pandemic is over, then I’ll experience community. When we make more money, then I’ll have that experience I want. When I do the kitchen remodel, then I’ll be happier. When it’s Friday, then I can experience peace.”

Even when I’m working to not “When-Then,” I find sneaky ways that it is creeping into my day. Daniel Tiger, a cartoon show for young kids modeled off of Mr. Rogers. “Enjoy the WOW that’s happening NOW.” After hearing that episode handful of times in the background, Sam and I often find ourselves saying that out loud to ourselves/each other to remind ourselves to savor the now. To look for the peace, hope, joy….the WOW that is happening now. If we don’t, we will when-then our entire lives away. This doesn’t mean everything is a WOW, but there is more often than not something in the present that is worth savoring.

We went on a family bike ride the other Saturday. Part of me was jealous of my friends without kiddos going out for ski days, half-day hiking adventures, learning to Kite Board, mountain biking. Here we were minivan packed of bikes, trailers, snacks, sunscreen and wiggly, half-interested kiddos. It was a lot of work to get organized, and our route was much shorter than we would have on our own. Part of me was tempted to “when-then.” When the kiddos get older then we can go for longer bike-rides, or when they are off to college, then Sam and I can go for epic bike rides again… Yet somewhere along that ride, I continued to notice that almost every person we passed get a huge smile on their face. One lady commented “Your daughter is absolutely adorable.” She is! And won’t be this little forever. I began to “enjoy the wow that is happening now.” I began to realize these moments I won’t get back. I’ll have the rest of my life to do an epic bike ride, I only have a few years to savor pink kitty-cat helmets, goofy smiles and watching my kiddos bring joy to those around me. That is a WOW.

Two days later, I’m still unpacking the minivan, a little sleep deprived, roller coaster of patience, frustration, joy, overwhelmed. But oh well! I’m continuing to practice rejecting the When Then. And instead enjoy the WOW that is happening now!


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